2023 Term 1 Week 9   |   29.03.2023

TAS Talks Term 1 Week 9

01. From the Principal


One of the advantages of being a single campus pre-K to 12 school, is the presence of our Junior School in the middle of our campus. It allows our younger students the opportunity to engage with older students both formally, through membership of the Student Representative Council (SRC) or joint music performances for example and informally, in the playground or sharing the dining hall at lunchtime.

Junior School also involves itself in whole school activities and focus areas. In lieu of the Triple Crown, Junior School students can work towards achieving their Tri-Star challenge. Last week after school on Thursday, the swimming pool area was alive with students and families from all junior year levels as they swam the requisite number of laps for their age to complete one of this year’s events. While this was their version of the Coffs Ocean Swim, I was also delighted to see a range of them at Coffs on Sunday, swimming 600m before the two-kilometre event or supporting their older siblings. There is no doubt the spirit of TAS, the love of challenge and the willingness of our students to give anything a go and to give it their best shot thoroughly pervades the Junior School.

Junior School assembly is a highlight every week with the excitement of the students as they hear who TAS Bear will spend the week with, or which House has won the weekly House points tally being unmatched. Last week I was reminded of how important some of our early achievements as children feel when I saw the pride and joy on the faces of two students who were awarded their pen licenses. This weekend I am looking forward, for my first time, to seeing our Junior School students taking part in the Armidale Autumn Festival.

Easter and the following break will be upon us before we know it. In anticipation of the TAS Rugby Carnival at the end of the holidays, can I please draw your attention to the call for volunteers to help in the P&F section this week. I cannot promise beautiful weather and sunny skies, but I can assure you that it will be a fabulous weekend and if you are not involved in the Tour de Rocks (which I am incredibly pleased to say will not be a date clash next year), and can give a little time, the P&F and the School would be incredibly grateful.


Dr Rachel Horton

02. From the Deputy Principal


It has been another wonderful week at TAS with so many students, parents and staff undertaking the Coffs Ocean Swim, the first of our Triple Crown events for 2023. Similarly our Junior School students and parents were challenged in the TAS pool with the Tri-Star event.  I would like to thank Mr Jim Pennington for his outstanding work in organising these events and drumming up the amazing School Spirit as only he can. The Coffs Ocean Swim was also the conclusion to our inaugural ‘Blue Week’ with all participating students wearing blue caps for the event. I congratulate all of our student leaders for their organisation of this week and the whole community for getting behind this new initiative. For those who may have missed the NBN news piece from last week you can view the footage here: https://www.nbnnews.com.au/2023/03/21/brave-student-launches-blue-tree-project-at-school/

Excitingly, we have one week remaining in Term 1. The school will conclude next Wednesday 5 April at 3.30 pm and it is an expectation that students will be at School until the final bell. We are finishing the term with our annual House Cross Country Championships and attendance is both compulsory and important to maintain the positive House spirit generated since the Swimming Carnival. 

I wish all students and staff the very best for our first Bivouac for 2023 which will be held tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday. 


Mr Ray Pearson
Deputy Principal



Medical Centre

The TAS Medical Centre is offering flu vaccinations for all Middle and Senior School students early in Term 2.

Bookings are essential and the cost is $25 and will be charged to your school account following the vaccination date.

If you would like your child to have a flu vaccination, please complete the permission form using the link provided below by Wednesday 5 April. Please note that no child will be vaccinated on the day without prior parental permission.

All families who complete a permission form will be contacted in early Term 2 to choose an appointment time that suits them.

N.B. Boarding parents – you only need to complete the permission form. You will not be contacted to schedule an appointment time as the TAS Medical Centre staff will manage boarder times with their Heads of House.

Permission Form

03. Calendar of Events


Week 9
Wednesday 29 March Debating Federation Cup Finals (Tamworth)
Safe on Socials Presentation (Parents and Students) 8.30 am (Years 7-10)
Thursday 30 March Bivouac
Friday 31 March Bivouac
Cricket Dinner (Opens)
Saturday 1 April Autumn Festival
Rowing Season Celebration ( McConville Centre)
Week 10
Tuesday 4 April TAS Easter Service
Wednesday 5 April Cross Country
Parent Teacher Interviews
Classes Conclude
Thursday 6 April Staff Day
Term 2
Monday 24 April Staff Day
Tuesday 25 April Boarders Return
Wednesday 26 April Classes Resume



04. From the P&F


TASRC - Volunteers

TAS Rugby Carnival is just over three weeks away and we are continuing the call for volunteers. The P&F will be operating venues for BBQs, kiosks & home baked goods.

We will need help on Friday 21 April to set up, as well as Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 for the Carnival itself.

We still need over 150 helpers across the weekend!

Thank you to all who have already registered. Please visit the link to confirm your support TASRC Volunteer SignUp

If you have questions, contact the P&F Exec team at [email protected].


TASRC – Baking

Much of the financial success of the TAS Rugby Carnival for the P&F can be attributed to the TAS baking community. So once again, we are calling on your donations.

Baked items need to be:

  • Nut free
  • Well-formed (such as slice) to keep shape when served or moved into individual bags
  • Fresh for consumption until the Sunday (23 April) of the Carnival
  • Accompanied by a list of ingredients (people buying often ask – specifically as to allergen content e.g., is this free of eggs; this year we’d like everything labelled, so we’ve asked people to use our standard recipes so we have ready-made labels)
  • Of a serving size suitable for a $3-$5 price point.

You’ll notice this year that ‘jelly cup’ contributions are not sought. They will be at the carnival, but they will be made by the P&F on Friday and Saturday – let us know if you can help.

With all these requirements, and with our knowledge of sales at past carnivals, we’ve created a list of preferred baked items and their recipes.

  • However, we would never say ‘no’ to good old-fashioned baking (or Gluten-Free or nutritious contributions) that meets these criteria even if it is not a preferred item – so if you wish to contribute your special recipe, please select ‘Other’ in the sign-up list.
  • Also, if you want to use your own recipe for one of the standardised items – please check the food label listed at the top of the recipe, if the ingredients are the same, then no need to let us know it is a different recipe.  However, if it does have different ingredients, please write these out for us.
  • Finally, we also welcome your personal recipes to add to the TAS Rugby Carnival recipe bank (especially if they meet all the criteria above). Thank you!

Sign up for baking: TASRC Baking SignUp

Recipes available at TASRC Recipes

Drop off baking: Friday 21 April between 12 noon – 300pm in Big School. Also Saturday 22 April between 800am – 12 noon at the Junior School Homework Centre (opposite pool).

Queries: Kerryl Sedon 0408 797 896 or [email protected] or Caroline Coupland 0417 52 44 92.


Term Dinners

Keep an eye open for end-of-term and start-of-term dinners and drinks.

For several years groups have organised their events next week before Easter. Hope you can join.

To start the term, P&F have organised dinner and drinks at the Royal Hotel on Tuesday 25 April from 500pm.


Next Meeting – P&F AGM

Wednesday 10 May 2023 is the next meeting of the P&F as well as our AGM. Please note the date and keep an eye out for details to attend early next term.

If you would like to get more involved with the P&F and become a voting member, please find the P&F Membership Application Form on the Parent Portal. If you would like to become a member of the P&F Executive team, then please complete the P&F AGM Executive Nomination Form also. Both of these can be emailed to the P&F Exec team at the address below.


Contact P&F Executive

If you have anything you would like to raise with the P&F Executive, please send us an email at [email protected]


Mr Paul Gaddes
P&F President

05. From the Director of Teaching and Learning



A reminder to families that students have a responsibility to attend and submit all formal assessment tasks on the due date. It is important that families are not applying for leave for their child except in unavoidable circumstances as our students have formal assessments scheduled throughout term time across their wide array of subjects. If a student is applying for leave, they must check with ALL of their teachers to ensure they are not missing any assessments. It is important to note that only in the instance of illness, misadventure and extreme extenuating circumstances will a student be exempt from missing an assessment; in Years 11 and 12, they may run the risk of receiving zero for a formal task if their absence is not for a valid reason. I ask that families support the school by not requesting leave that results in class time being missed unless this leave is unavoidable. I encourage students to take responsibility for their own program of assessment; they have so many staff here to help them if they have questions. All assessment schedules can be found on the Student and Parent Portals. I am also available for any conversations around this space if need be.

Year 12 Study Camp

A reminder that The Armidale School will be running a Year 12 Study Camp in the winter break. This will occur here at TAS and run from 12 – 14 July; this is the final three days of the winter break. The camp will not be residential so boarding families will need to arrange for their child to stay with a local family. Details on cost will be available soon but it will be reasonable and will cover the cost of all sessions, lunches and resources. The staff working at the camp will include TAS staff, local external presenters, as well as a Sydney-based presenter to facilitate and workshop study skills for our students.

University Early Entry Scheme information

Mr Taylor recently sent a document to all Year 12 students which provide details on the wide number of early entry schemes offered at Australian universities. The important dates to focus on are the closing dates (rather than the opening dates) and more information can be found by contacting the universities directly or speaking to Mr Taylor next term.

Find the document HERE


Parent Teacher Interviews

All our Middle School and Senior School families have now received an email regarding the booking of Parent Teacher Interviews via our Edval system. These interviews will run over three different sessions at the end of this term and the start of next term.

  • Wednesday 5 April (4pm – 8pm) – last day of teaching
  • Thursday 6 April (8.30am – 3.30pm) – pupil free day
  • Monday 24 April (9.30am – 4.30pm) – final day of break prior to Anzac Day

You are invited to book in with your child/children’s teachers to discuss student academic progress. The interviews will take place in the Gymnasium, and each will be scheduled to run for seven minutes to allow enough time to discuss your child’s achievements while simultaneously allowing teachers to keep on track with the booking schedule.

Now is a great time to be chatting with your child about how they think they are going, and what kind of conversations they would like to have with their teachers about their progress including any areas of difficulty. We encourage students to attend these meetings; they are after all about them and as such, students should be part of the conversation.



Mrs Gill Downes
Director of Teaching and Learning

06. Academic

Year 5 and 6 Student’s Names written in Kanji

Last week we received a package from our Sister School, Tezukayama Gakuin in Osaka, with a card outlining the students’ names written in Kanji. Earlier this term I sent the names of our Year 5 and 6 students in Japanese pronunciation to Tezukayama and their Year 6 class found an appropriate kanji based on the sounds in each student’s name. There were some very interesting kanji meanings and I encourage you to ask your child to show you the card and they can explain the meaning of their name.



Mr Allan Moore
Languages Coordinator



A message to the TAS community

Dear students, staff and parents,

I have been so moved by the effort placed on the often taboo subject of mental health, within our community and school.

The essence behind ‘The Blue Tree’ was always to try and save just one family from going through our life changing experience.

As a family we can’t begin to thank TAS enough for running with this project and supporting a message Isabella wanted to spread. As a mother, I am very proud of Isabella and Georgia for being ok with sharing their very personal story to raise awareness for others.

Thank you to everyone in the TAS community for getting behind Blue Week at TAS.

Kind regards,

Jacquie Henderson


07. Leadership, Service and Adventure


Dear Parents, Carers and Cadets

The first full unit BIVOUAC of the year will be conducted from 08:40 Thursday 30 March to 15:30 Friday 31 March 2023. This is a two-day, one-night exercise.

Cadets are to assemble on Adamsfield at 8:40 on 30 March under ‘Marching Orders’, that is with their pack, webbing and all their gear ready for two days and a night in the field.

The unit will start this BIVOUAC with a Promotions Parade, where those who successfully completed the Leaders Course will be promoted to their new rank for the year. The great strength of this program is the fact it is student-led. Rank is put in charge of groups of up to 25 students and is responsible for motivating and organising that group to achieve set objectives.

The unit will operate in the following locations for BIVOUAC 1:

  • A Coy – Malpas Dam and surrounds to conduct rotation of Kayak, Trek and MTB.
  • B Coy – Newholme Station (UNE Ag Plot) and surrounds to conduct rotation of Navigation, Kayak, River Crossing and Fieldcraft.
  • C Coy – Newholme Station (UNE Ag Plot) and surrounds to conduct rotation of Navigation, Canoe, Abseil and fieldcraft.

In-depth briefings will occur during Assembly time in Week 9. Students are to be at the following locations by 0840.

  • A Coy – Hoskins Centre
  • B Coy – Memorial Hall
  • C Coy – McConville Centre

Before briefings occur, students are to check their gear extensively. Q-Store will be open Monday and Tuesday during lunchtime Week 9 to swap out any damaged gear. Any gear that is lost will be charged to student accounts. TAS Cadet Gear is loaned to students for their time in cadets. One set of cadet gear costs $2500 and hence should be looked after appropriately.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Officer Commanding, TASACU

08. From the Director of Co-curricular


There have been many highlights during the term and it is always pleasing to hear positive comments and remarks from the wider community regarding our incredible students. In recent weeks the accolades have been flowing for our rowers. If you had the opportunity to see any of the Head of The River events last week or heard any of the commentary you would have witnessed the amazing camaraderie and sportsmanship shown by the TAS Rowers. The support they displayed towards each other, regardless of the result, was the envy of many schools and clubs. I congratulate all our rowers for their fantastic season and in particular the dedication, guidance and leadership of Mr Ben MacDougall and his formidable coaching team.

Another event that highlighted the TAS Spirit was last weekend’s Coffs Harbour Ocean Swim. For TAS this was a part of the ‘Blue Tree Project’ week, raising awareness for mental health and ‘encouraging people to speak up when battling mental health concerns’ but what transpired on Sunday morning, down at Coffs Harbour Jetty, was much more than that. It was hard not to notice TAS at the event, with over 150 students, making up over one-third of the overall competitors. Again, what stood out for me was the way our students supported and encouraged each other to challenge themselves and take part in an event that they will remember for a lifetime. At the conclusion of the 2km swim, it was the TAS students who supported the Sawtell Surf Lifesaving Club (the organisers), by packing up the fences, collapsing the tents and picking up the rubbish. I commend Mr Jim Pennington for his vision and organisation. The Coffs Ocean Swim is a magnificent event and whilst COVID and road closures due to flooding meant a hiatus for TAS, it is fair to say that it is back, better than ever.

Congratulations to Charlie Ward who last week in Wagga won the Under 18 National Trap Shooting Competition. Charlie was named the National Junior Champion, an amazing achievement in an event that had over 500 competitors.

Planning for Winter Sport is well underway and next week I will publish the Winter Sports Schedule. All students are expected to have the correct uniform for their sport and I encourage students who do not have their winter sports uniform to visit the uniform shop before the end of the term.

Next Wednesday, TAS will be holding our Cross Country Carnival. The Pre-Kinder to Year 6 races will run in the morning 8.45-9.45 am and the Years 7-12 will run from 1.15 pm to 3.30 pm. During these times the school gates will be closed to all vehicles. Spectators are welcome. Year 7-8 1:15-2:00 pm, Year 9-10 2:00-2:45 pm, Year 11-12 2:45-3:30 pm.

These holidays the, ‘I am a Girl, I can do Anything’ Basketball is coming to Armidale. It is a free girl’s basketball session aimed at new or returning basketballers who want to learn some new skills, be active and have fun making new friends.

Ages 5 – 18 years. Click on the link below for more details: https://membership.mygameday.app/regoform.cgi?formID=98307


Mr Huon Barrett
Director of Co-curricular

TAS Tri Stars

The TAS Tri Stars didn’t just commence last Thursday, it went OFF! Fifty-five students and 30 parents swam the requisite laps (all depending on the student’s age) of the TAS pool, all completing Stage 1 of the Tri Stars. This enthusiasm is phenomenal, the numbers incredible and I’m just so impressed with everyone who took part. From the Year 5 legends who swam 1km, Evelyn Brownlie, Lachlan Woods and Baxter Carruthers, the ‘ten weapons’ from Year 1 who had the greatest representation and Mr Chittenden and his Watermelon boardshorts, thank you! Thanks also to the magnificent Mrs Hardin and the magical Mrs Ball for their assistance, and our team on the BBQ, Isabella Henderson, Georgia Henderson, Clare McDouall and Ellie Miller. See you soon for Stage 2!


Mr James Pennington


Coffs Ocean Swim

Wow, 2km in the open water and we had 143 students, 14 parents and seven staff finishers, what legends, what GRIT! The weather was kind, conditions just about as perfect as one could hope for and the cause; well the support from the TAS community for The Blue Tree Project has been formidable, thank you. Fittingly, it was Isabella Henderson who was first out of the water, in a sharp 33:27 and then it was the TAS procession for the next 30 minutes. Having been denied participation for the past three years, the enthusiasm was incredible with students from Year 5 (yes that’s right) to Year 12, aiming for fast times or just wanting to finish and celebrate such a significant achievement. Being able to welcome our families fully back into the school always makes a difference and the engagement of so many parents either swimming, ground crew, looking after students and even taking some home was just wonderful. Nine of our Year 12 students who completed their Surf Bronze Medallion last year, gave back to the school in 2023, providing water safety on rescue boards, such amazing young people and outstanding role models. Add to this five staff as ground crew (including Dr Horton), three staff on rescue boards and four swimming with rescue tubes and it quickly becomes evident that this is a true TAS Community event, relying on all spheres of the school for its success. I am grateful to everyone who took part, who assisted and who is now comfortable reaching out when needed.


Mr James Pennington


Crew personal best times and two podium finishes including a stunning gold medal win capped off the rowing season for TAS at the NSW Schoolgirl and Schoolboy Head of the River regattas at the Sydney International Regatta Centre on 18-19 March.

The largest TAS team ever to take to the water at SIRC put on a strong display, with crews well in the mix in every event.

The campaign got off to a stunning start on Saturday with Georgia Henderson having a comfortable win in her heat of the Year 8 girls’ Single Scull over 1000m in a time of 4:20.51 then backing it up with a stunning row to take the gold medal in the final.

Snaring the lead in the first 200m, Georgia clocked 2:03.07 at the 500m mark, more than two seconds over her nearest rival, but powered home in the second half of the race, extending her advantage to cross the line in 4:16.65, more than eight seconds in front.

The senior girls’ quad placed fourth in their final over 2000m in a time of 7:50.44, setting a new personal best, having come first in their heat.

Sunday was the chance for the boys, with the highlight being a bronze medal for the TAS 2nds Quad (Lennox Neilson, Henry Kirton, Louis Ross, Jack McCook, cox Jenna Hattingh) in the final of the schoolboys Second Quad over 2000m, crossing the line in 7:16:72. The TAS 1sts Quad (Toby Inglis, Callan Lawrence, Fred Kearney, Wiley Wright, cox Eliza Crawford) recorded a PB of 6:55.45 in the final of the Schoolboys Firsts Quad, finishing fourth.

The regattas were the culmination of months of training and commitment and everyone got off the water knowing they had done their best. Apart from the medal success, it was also particularly exciting as it was the first time we boated a junior boys crew at the Head of the River. In addition to our junior girls, they all have a bright future in the sport and it also promises well for the future of the TAS rowing program.

The TAS team also contributed to the regatta’s success off the water, with most rowers also volunteering as boat holders at the start line throughout Saturday and Sunday.

Mr Ben MacDougall
MIC Rowing

09. From the Head of Creative Arts


This weekend we have a number of students participating and performing in the Autumn Festival, which includes some of our bands and the cast of Legally Blonde. If you are at the performance area the bands should be performing alongside NECOM ensembles between 1pm and 2pm, with the Legally Blonde cast showcasing some numbers from the show after 4pm.

It’s that time of year when we start getting prepared for the NSW Shakespeare Carnival and we’re calling on all Year 7 – 11 students to take up the challenge and represent the school in Drama, Music, Dance, and Filmmaking. Participating students will compete in a Regional competition in Week 4 of next term, with winners heading down to Sydney to represent the New England region. TAS students have many wins under their belts, including Meave Churchyard and Felicity Barton who took out the Duologue category last year (with Meave being voted best actor for the whole carnival)! There will be a meeting for all interested students next Tuesday 1:30pm in the Hoskins Centre and the competition categories are:Duologue Scene (2 actors).

  • Ensemble Scene (3 – 10 actors)
  • Group Devised (3 – 10 actors)
  • Dance (2 – 10 dancers)
  • Physical Theatre (2 – 10 performers)
  • Music Composition (up to 10 musicians)
  • Smartphone Short Film (a film shot with a smartphone and edited on a computer)

Last week the HSC Art students went on their Big Day Out excursion, visiting several local artists of international standing. They headed to Walcha to first see the studios of Julia and Stephen King (and their lovely puppies). The students were awed by the printmaking, oil paintings and pastel work and saw how they were combining the different mediums in striking ways. After that, they visited painter and long-time friend of TAS, Angus Nivison, and his paint-splattered creative studio space. He shared his experiences as an exhibiting artist, gave a window into his artmaking practice, and spoke of some upcoming exhibitions he has in front of him. It was an amazing, packed day getting an authentic look at the work of practising, professional artists and the students give their enthusiastic thanks to Ms Fiona Xeros for organising the trip.

Finally, over the weekend Firori Musicali gave a brilliant performance of St John Passion which featured involvement from Leanne Roobol, Robyn and Pat Bradley, some of our peripatetic tutors and Old Armidalian Ziggy Harris.


Mr Andrew O’Connell
Head of Creative Arts


Legally Blonde Gala Performance

10. Head of Middle School


Coffs Ocean Swim

Congratulations to the huge number of students who participated in the 2km Coffs Ocean Swim on the weekend. Middle School was well represented for the first event of the 2023 Triple Crown challenge with a full coach of students travelling down; being joined by many more families at the beach. Completing a 2km ocean swim is certainly a challenge for many people and it was pleasing to see the resilience and determination of our students to swim the full distance. 

Safe on Social Presentation

This evening, Wednesday 29 March, Safe On Social will be presenting to years 6, 7 and 8 students, followed by a Middle and Senior Schools Parent Information Session at 6:45 pm in Hoskins.

Date: Wednesday 29 March

Time: 6:45 pm Middle and Senior Schools Parents

Where: Hoskins Centre.

For those who are unable to attend in person, please join via zoom
Zoom link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82853474140 Passcode: 628989


Tomorrow and Friday, all of Middle School will be taking part in the first activities days of the year. Parents and students should have received information regarding the arrangements for these two days. If you have any questions about these upcoming activities, please contact us at [email protected]

Year 7 Camp – Coffs Harbour

Year 7 are very excited to be heading off for their weekend camp to Coffs Coast Adventure Centre. I met with all of Year 7 yesterday to discuss the schedule and reminders regarding the packing list. An email will be sent today with final reminders and a copy of our schedule. Students will rotate through all of the activities in smaller groups. Please be aware of the following reminders:

  • All day student medication is to be handed to Mr Polson prior to departure. This needs to be in a zip lock bag, with clear instructions. Boarder medication will be organised through the school.
  • All day students are required to bring a packed morning tea and lunch for Friday. This will need to be packed in their small day pack and not packed with their luggage.
  • There are to be no phones, iPads or electronic devices taken on the trip. Also, no chewing gum etc.
  • Please check the packing list below carefully. It will be important that a rain jacket is packed as well as old clothes and shoes for the mud run.
  • Students will travel in comfortable casual clothes. Please ensure they are wearing enclosed shoes.
  • Luggage needs to be kept to a small overnight bag, sleeping bag and pillow.

Coffs Coast Adventure Centre

Year 7 Camp Packing List

What to bring

  • Pillow and sleeping bag or similar
  • Small day pack
  • Multiple changes of old clothes, including long pants, rain jacket, warm jumper
  • Close walking/hiking shoes, thongs for shower if desired. Closed shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Old running shoes or water shoes for protection from rocks in the water.
  • Towel and swimmers – a swimming shirt/rashie for sun protection is recommended
  • Sun hat, sunscreen and insect repellent
  • Water bottle – we recommended 2L
  • Toiletries
  • Medications should be placed in a zip lock bag, marked with the student’s name on it and handed to Mr Polson
  • Asthma puffers to be on the person at all times
  • Waterproof bag (or garbage bag) for wet/dirty clothing
  • Large plastic bag or similar for covering belongings in the case of inclement weather
  • Sun Smart clothing is preferred for all activities and shorts and shirts need to be long enough to allow for the comfortable fitting of safety gear and be practical for the outdoors
  • Clothing for Commando Course should be old clothes as they will get muddy. Old shoes are essential for this activity.

Do not bring

  • Mobile phones – any contact can be arranged through Mr Polson.
  • Other electronic devices are not taken on the excursion.
  • Chewing gum
  • No additional food (lollies) needs to be taken on the trip. All food is provided.

If you have any questions regarding the trip, please contact me directly at [email protected]

Parent Teacher Interviews

There are still interview times available for next Wednesday and Thursday and also Monday 24 April. I strongly encourage all of our families to make appointments with their child’s teachers and advisors. These interviews provide a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child’s progress for the term and discuss the year ahead. If you have any questions regarding making these times, please contact us.


Mr Luke Polson
Head of Middle School

11. From the Head of Junior School


It is difficult to appreciate how busy life at TAS is until you are fortunate to join the community. The last week has been an absolute whirlwind, with opportunities galore for our students.

The first TAS Tri-Star event of the year, the swim, took place last Thursday evening in the School pool. With over 53 students participating, and many parents assisting, there was a wonderful community atmosphere to the whole event. Our thanks to Mr Jim Pennington for his wonderful coordination of this event, and all who joined in or supported it.

Students (and staff!) embraced the blue-themed mufti day, the first for 2023, held last Friday. It was wonderful to talk through the purpose for the mufti day with students over the course of the day, conversations that demonstrated a genuine understanding being developed around mental health challenges and the message that it is “OK not to be OK” sometimes.

The last of the Junior School NAPLAN tests were completed earlier this week. These assessments provide valuable data for the School to use in our quest for continual improvement, and can provide useful insights for families as to how their child has performed relative to others their own age. We do note that these assessments are discrete tests at a single point in time. As such, individual student data may not always be valid. For instance, someone who was unwell on the day of the assessment, or who received some distressing news at the start of the day would not be expected to perform to their potential in these assessments. We expect parents will receive their child(ren)’s individual data in Term 3 this year.

It was a great pleasure for all Junior School class teachers to meet with the families of their class groups during our Parent-Teacher interviews that commenced yesterday and continue this evening. We hope these conversations have been constructive and would welcome any requests to meet outside these scheduled feedback sessions should our families wish to do so.

As we approach the end of Term 1 it is becoming apparent that Junior School students are becoming increasingly ready for the upcoming break. They have worked tremendously well in the first part of the year and should be justifiably proud of their efforts. There has been a slight increase in comparatively minor incidents occurring during break times as students tire.

We ask for your support in reiterating the message that we use “kind words and kind actions/deeds” at TAS and that there is never a good enough reason for someone to lash out physically at another. We cannot, and will not, condone any physical contact between students where there is clear intent to cause injury to another (as opposed to accidental injuries, such as during the course of a soccer game). If this occurs, the student(s) concerned will be withdrawn from the yard or their class group and parents contacted to request their early collection from school. Thank you, in advance, for your support in this regard.

We are pleased to advise that TAS will be running a Vacation Care program throughout the upcoming school holiday period. Places are limited and we encourage you to book your child(ren) into this service at your earliest convenience by emailing [email protected], specifying your child(ren)’s name and days you wish for them to participate in the program. Priority will be given to students currently enrolled at TAS. Please note the planned program below, together with listed additional charges for incursions or excursions.

  • Tuesday 11 April: Easter Fun! Come and join in some easter craft and egg hunt.
  • Wednesday 12 April: Movies – Mario Brothers at Belgrave Cinemas (movie with medium combo $16)
  • Thursday 13 April: Disney Fun – enjoy the day with Disney dress up and fun!
  • Friday 14 April: Bike and Scooters! Bring your scooter or bike along for a fun day around the school grounds.
  • Monday 17 April: Handball Championship. Let’s rally in some handball challenges.
  • Tuesday 18 April Kids world: Tenpin bowling and play area. $20 for 1 game of bowling and sometime on the equipment
  • Wednesday 19 April: Mini Olympic. Let’s take on some games and see which country wins!
  • Thursday 20 April: Create and make day! Bring you artistic side to design and create some art.
  • Friday 21 April: PJ and Movie Day! Wear your PJ’s and let’s relax with our last day of care.


Mr Scott Chittenden
Head of Junior School


Happy Birthday

Best wishes to Tim Blake, Umraj Nirmaan, Emi Fawcett and Jose Ugwumba who all celebrate birthdays this week.

Upcoming Events

Term 1
Wednesday 29 March No Assembly
  Years 4&5 Safe on Socials session (9.45 am – 11.00am)
Friday 31 March Activities Day
Saturday 1 April Autumn Festival
Monday 3 April Junior School Easter Service
Wednesday 5 April School Concludes
Junior School Cross Country (8.50am)
Harmony Day Slimefest Year 5 excursion to Newling Public School
School Concludes
Thursday 6 April Staff Day
Monday 24 April Staff Day
Wednesday 26 April Classes Resume

IB Primary Years Programme (PYP)

Education for An Inclusive Future

As the term comes to an end our classes are all still very much full of engaged learners with many wonderings and questions to ask. Most of our classes have completed their first unit of inquiry and commenced their second unit for the year. The table below outlines the Transdisciplinary Themes and Central Ideas that the classes are exploring.


Class Group Transdisciplinary Theme Central Idea

What is the big idea we will be exploring?

Year 1 How the world works Materials have a range of properties 

that determine their use

Year 2 How the world works Changes In the Sky and Land impact our environment
Year 3 Who we are Neighbouring countries are similar and different
Year 4 Where we are in place and time Exploration may lead to discovery and develop new understandings
Year 5 Sharing the planet Management of the environment to produce food, fibre and services


When commencing a new unit of inquiry students working theories, experiences and ways of thinking are explored. It is through this observation process that teachers are able to ‘tune in’ to the student’s prior knowledge ensuring a strong launch into a new unit. As units unfold there is time, place and opportunity for the unit to be both emergent and responsive to the students’ interest and needs and to what is happening in the world around us.

If you have any expertise in any of the areas above please let us know as we welcome guest speakers into our classes to grow and extend student knowledge.

Year 5 enjoyed their class where they inquired into a packaged item in their lunchboxes.  Buddying up with a partner they completed a PMI on their selected item of food.
It was fascinating when they shared the ‘interesting’ aspect.
Did you know that Smiths Chips packets have a QR Code where you can find out all about the potato grower and watch a video on the farm where the potato was grown?

Mrs Veronica Waters
PYP Coordinator

Junior School Sport

Summer Sport

A huge thank you to all our coaches for helping our children to have a successful summer season. Our final training sessions were this week, with final games for Indoor Hockey and Basketball this week also. Enjoy a well-earned rest during Week 10, ready for our Winter sports programme to commence in Term 2.

Winter Sport

Winter sports will commence next term. Teams have been organised and you  should have received an email asking you to register your child in their chosen sport. Please ensure you register your child before the holidays.

Registrations are required for the following sports:

  • Football/Soccer
  • Hockey
  • Netball

Golf and Gymnastics do not need registration. Staff will organise these groups.

If you have any concerns or questions, please email Mrs Christine Wright [email protected]


Cross Country

Cross Country for Junior School – Wednesday, 5 April – Change of time

Junior School will be completing their Cross Country event next Wednesday, 5th April at 8:50am. Please come along if you can to cheer on your child as they compete in our annual Cross Country event. Pre-K to Year 5 will be competing during the morning with events to conclude within the hour.


Mrs Christine Wright
Junior School Sports Coordinator

Community Notices